Webinar on the draft Act future of pensions

November 3, 2021 | 10:00 - 11:00 | Online

As a result of the Pensions reform agreement, entered into by employers and employees organisations, a complete and far-reaching overhaul of the Dutch pensions system is planned for the years ahead. This will impact both future pension accruals and current pension entitlements alike. Employers will feel the brunt of the overhaul. It does not help that pensions are often regarded as a complex matter. The draft Act future of pensions (Wet toekomst pensioenen) is unlikely to change that.

Last June, we informed our Dutch speaking clients about the Dutch Future of Pensions Act and its ramifications in a webinar. Several clients requested that we also host an English webinar. Naturally, we are more than happy to oblige. As such, on Wednesday 3 November 2021, between 10.00 and 11.00 AM (CET) we will host a free and fully English webinar on the draft Act future of pensions. In the afternoon between 12.00 and 13.00 AM (CET) we will host the webinar on the draft Act future of pensions. Click here to register for the Dutch webinar.

During the webinar, speakers Jorn de Bruin (AKD) and Wim Thijssen (AKD; external) will clearly explain the proposed changes, what consequences the overhaul could have for you as an employer, and the best ways to handle them.

Throughout the webinar, you will be free to raise questions via the chat. We will try to answer your questions live, or return to them later. In addition, we invite you to bring any questions you may have now to our attention in anticipation of the webinar. You can submit these questions with your registration.

If you are interested in joining this webinar, please use the above button to register. On registration, you will receive a confirmation mail that includes a link to watch the webinar. Please open the link in Google Chrome outside your company's remote working environment for the best result.




Miena Jokhoe
