Skilful at handling a wide range of complex and sensitive criminal law cases.

Violations of financial and economic laws and regulation receive more attention than ever, and combating fraud and environmental offences are high on the agenda. And as countries try to regulate the conduct of companies and individuals outside of their own borders, cooperation and the exchange of information among authorities all over the world is on the increase.

In this world, AKD's criminal lawyers know their way around. Skilful at handling a wide range of complex and sensitive criminal law cases involving large business and personal interests, they focus on offering a high level of reputation and risk management. They also conduct internal investigations and offer advice on criminal compliance issues.

Seamless cooperation with various specialists from our international network ensures that we can put together a team of experts that will meet our clients’ needs.

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AKD attracts experienced criminal law expert

01 Sep 2017 | News

AKD has appointed Frits Schneider as a criminal law expert.