We can help you with legal advice on investment structures and guidance on investment institutions. These cover 'umbrella funds', private equity/venture capital funds, property funds, hedge funds, feeder funds and fund-of-funds. We specialise in setting up innovative investment structures and providing guidance through the authorisation processes with the relevant authorities for the financial markets.
In-depth industry knowledge
We have a wealth of experience in the industries that we work for, and know what is going on in them. Our focus includes sub-sectors such as:
- Healthcare: we have extensive industry experience with private care and healthcare. Our experience extends to chains of independent treatment centres (ZBC) and chains of dental practices. Other examples are public/private partnerships (PPP). These include so-called 'care boulevards' and alliances with housing corporations, suppliers for healthcare institutions, and partnerships between management and specialists in healthcare institutions
- Sustainable Energy
- Real Estate: we have extensive experience in the property sector, including property used for trading, such as hotels, holiday parks and supermarkets.