About Bart Roozendaal

Bart Roozendaal is an attorney-at-law and partner at AKD who specialises in all aspects of Dutch administrative law, including the relationship between administrative law and private law. He likes to work on issues concerning governmental liability, such as unlawful governmental acts, planning blight and disadvantage compensation.

Bart's work also covers issues relating to public order, integrity, the Administrative Integrity/Public Administration (Probity Screening) Act [Wet bevordering integriteitsbeoordelingen door het openbaar bestuur] (Bibob) and the interconnectedness between the underworld and upperworld in public administration (undermining). He mainly advises government bodies and companies on this issue and also litigates in proceedings before the Dutch civil court and administrative court.

Bart's clients appreciate his approach because he is legally strong, gives clear advice and has a practical attitude. He always looks for a workable solution that will enable his client to progress.

Bart frequently lectures on the subjects of governmental liability, the law of administrative procedure and public order. He also publishes regularly in various journals and is a deputy justice at the Court of Appeal in Amsterdam.

In 1998 Bart obtained his doctorate at Erasmus University Rotterdam following comparative legal research into the field of governmental liability law. The title of his dissertation was Governmental liability in Germany, France and the Netherlands [Overheidsaansprakelijkheid in Duitsland, Frankrijk en Nederland].

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More about

  • University of Tilburg: master's degree in Administrative law
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam: Government liability [Overheidsaansprakelijkheid]
Admitted to bar
  • The Netherlands
Legal practice areas the Netherlands Bar’s register

Bart Roozendaal has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):


  • Civil procedural law
  • Administrative law


Based on this registration, Bart is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.