About Conny Staudt

Conny Staudt is a partner at AKD. She has been an attorney-at-law since 1996, specialising in employment law since day one and with all major law firms she worked for since. Conny focuses on international employment law, cross border labour and flexible labour, a rather specific branch of employment law. Temporary staffing, nationally and internationally, secondment and payrolling are practices whose popularity has soared in recent years. They are subject to highly specific legislation and regulation, with EU law having a huge impact. This has resulted in a jumble of laws and rules. Having someone on hand who knows how to navigate that jumble is a major bonus.

Knowledge of national employment law remains a must, even when international issues come knocking. Whether it is individual dismissal law, reorganisations, transfer of enterprises (outsourcing/insourcing included), collective bargaining law and non-compete and confidentiality clauses, they have all passed through Conny's capable hands over the past 25 years. And yet every day presents a new situation that makes her enjoy the constant evolution in her line of business, rekindling her passion for employment law.

Clients appreciate Conny's connected, pragmatic and bold approach. Eschewing multi-page advisory memos, she uses clear, natural language to explain complex legal issues. To the point.

Legal 500 2024:
‘The main reason why we have worked for many, many years with AKD lawyers with so much trust is that they do not have an everyday approach – they look further into the case than you would expect, going beyond the borders of the legal issues but always in a very professional way. They always keeping the timeline in mind and they are in control. This goes especially for Conny Staudt-Bos.’

Conny also gives lectures at clients’ offices. With topics tailored to the client, Conny addresses concrete questions and situations, thereby showing her added value. In 2019, she completed the post-academic Coaching Practitioner training. This enables her to combine legal training and coaching, advising her clients from different perspectives. Her new skill has added immense value to existing relationships.

Conny worked in AKD's Employment & Benefits practice between 2002 and 2008, returning as a partner in November 2020.

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More about

  • Erasmus University Rotterdam: Law
Admitted to bar
  • The Netherlands
Legal practice areas the Netherlands Bar’s register

Conny Staudt has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):


  • Employment law


Based on this registration, Conny is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.