About Eelkje van de Kuilen

Eelkje van de Kuilen is an attorney-at-law and partner at AKD. She advises government bodies, state-owned companies and non-profit institutions. She assists these parties with her legal knowledge and her feeling for political context.

Eelkje also advises numerous housing corporations. She knows what is going on in this sector, in the legal sphere and at the housing corporations and in politics. Eelkje was a member of the Van Bochove commission which was instructed by Aedes to evaluate the Housing Act [Woningwet] in 2018. She has also advised numerous care and education institutions.

Eelkje combines sound legal knowledge with a hands-on mentality. Clients appreciate her years of experience which enable her to come up with creative and practical solutions.

Eelkje gives lectures and courses very regularly. She also publishes regularly. She is known for her three weekly legal update for housing corporations. You can subscribe to it by sending her an email.

Eelkje has successfully assisted government bodies. She did that, for example, in the field of partnerships with other parties or local authorities, the decentralisation of school buildings, recovery of claims (such as pre-judgement attachments and investigations into director's liability in relation to contract parties) and dealing with bankruptcies of major contract parties.

Eelkje has also advised numerous housing corporations on:

  • supervision by the Housing Corporations Authority [Autoriteit Woningcorporaties];
  • all aspects of the Housing Act;
  • discussions with the Social Housing Guarantee Fund [Waarborgfonds Sociale Woningbouw] (WSW);
  • governance issues;
  • real estate transactions;
  • concluding agreements;

Eelkje is a lecturer at Seminars op Maat, GovernanceQ and HabiTask. She is also an annotator for the Journal for Case Law in the Netherlands [Jurisprudentie in Nederland] (JIN) and a permanent employee of the Real Estate Journal [Vastgoedrecht].

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More about

  • Tilburg University: Dutch Law, European Law
  • Grotius Academy: specialist course Corporate Law
Admitted to bar
  • The Netherlands
Legal practice areas the Netherlands Bar’s register

Eelkje van de Kuilen has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):


  • Corporate law


Based on this registration, Eelkje is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.

More Insights


Bochove Committee presents report on evaluation of the Dutch Housing Act

21 Nov 2018 | News

AKD partner Eelkje van de Kuilen is one of the committee members.

Netherlands Commercial Court to launch next year

16 Feb 2016 | Publication

The Dutch courts recently decided to establish a new division within the judicial system: the NCC.