About Eva van den Krommenacker

Eva van den Krommenacker is an attorney-at-law at AKD who specialises in employment law. As a member of the Employment & Pensions practice group, Eva advises and litigates for clients in a broad variety of matters, including in the field of individual and collective dismissal law, transfers of undertakings, co-determination and the law relating to collective labour agreements. Her practice focuses on the employment law aspects of national and international reorganisations.

Eva is an experienced speaker at seminars on employment law topics. Eva successfully completed the Post-Academic Course on Employment Law offered by the Erasmus University of Rotterdam in 2015.


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More about

  • Radboud University, Nijmegen: Dutch Law, specialisation: Civil Law  
  • Erasmus University, Rotterdam: Post-Academic Course on Employment Law
Admitted to bar
  • The Netherlands
Legal practice areas the Netherlands Bar’s register

Eva van den Krommenacker has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):


  • Employment law


Based on this registration, Eva is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.