About Joris Rijken
Joris Rijken is an attorney-at-law, non-practising physician and partner at AKD who specialises in contracting and regulating healthcare. Acting primarily on behalf of healthcare providers, Joris assists them with care procurement, inspections and contacts with the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), the Inspectorate for Health and Youth Care (IGJ), the National Health Care Institute (Zorginstituut), and other government bodies.
The regulation of body material and medical scientific research is another area on which Joris provides advice, and one in which his medical background has proved a unique asset.
Joris is an analytical and accessible attorney-at-law, bringing calm and purpose to stressful and complex situations. If push comes to shove, he will litigate, his style being incisive yet fair.
Joris gladly represents foreign entities that wish to expand into the Dutch market. They appreciate his broad perspective and strategic understanding.
Joris is a regular lecturer, at the Grotius specialist post-academic course in healthcare law, for example. He is a member of the Health Council of the Netherlands (Gezondheidsraad), an independent scientific advisory body whose legal task is to advise the Dutch ministers and Parliament on matters of public health and healthcare research.