About Nadine Groeneveld-Tijssens

Nadine is an attorney-at-law and partner at AKD. As an attorney-at-law, she has been admitted to practise before the Dutch Supreme Court. She is also an endowed professor of Appellate Law. This combination makes Nadine the ideal sounding board for colleagues who have to litigate in the first instance and on appeal.

Nadine has two professional passions: litigation and science. As an attorney-at-law admitted to practise before the Supreme Court, she has been involved in a broad variety of cases, ranging from disputes on securities leasing, real estate, health insurance law, expropriation law and the law of obligations, such as general conditions in a building contract, to cases which, when they came up before the Supreme Court, centred on doctrines of procedural law, such as the right of inspection, the declaratory judgment, or the devolutive effect of the appeal.

Conducting research into innovation concerning the role, position and methodology of appellate courts is what Nadine Groeneveld's chair is about. She has already written on the Temporary Experiments Act on judicial procedure [Tijdelijke Experimentenwet rechtspleging], and her inaugural lecture addressed the factors that shape, form and develop appellate procedural law. Clients choosing to work with Nadine get an attorney-at-law who, besides being admitted to practise before the Supreme Court, brings tons of experience and a demonstrable in-depth knowledge of property and procedural law.

Nadine has combined practising law and practising science from the very start of her career. As a student, she took on a job as an assistant in the Private Law department of her Law faculty. She was awarded the faculty's prize for her thesis and shortly after starting as a trainee lawyer, she also began her doctoral research on the declaratory judgment. In 2015, she defended her dissertation before the faculty committee. She has since been a regular contributor to leading journals on issues touching on procedural law and substantive law. She has also written a monograph on the special custody agreement in the well-known Monografieën BW series. In addition to being an editor of the Sdu Commentaar Burgerlijk Procesrecht publication, Nadine loves to deliver lectures and teach courses to students, lawyers, judges and justices.

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More about

  • Tilburg University: Supreme Court Civil Law Litigation, a specialist course
  • Tilburg University: PhD 
Admitted to bar
  • The Netherlands
  • Association of Supreme Court Civil Lawyers
  • Dutch Association for Procedural Law
  • Association for Civil Law
  • Member of the local World War II Remembrance Day Committee in Tilburg.
Legal practice areas the Netherlands Bar’s register

Nadine Groeneveld has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):


  • Cassation (appeal to the Dutch Supreme Court)
  • Civil procedural law


Based on this registration, Nadine is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.