About Ronald van der Stap

Ronald van der Stap is an attorney-at-law at AKD who specialises in employment law in the widest sense of the word. He has considerable experience in (large-scale) reorganisations (and business closures) and unilateral changes to (collective) employment conditions. He also advises on co-determination cases, negotiations with trade unions and both collective and individual dismissal cases.

Ronald also carries out work in the field of sports and entertainment and is part of AKD’s Sports & Entertainment team. He combines his passion for sports and entertainment with ample knowledge of applicable law, making him the advisor of choice for sportspeople and artists.

Ronald’s clients include large industrial companies, care institutions and companies in the semi-public sector. He is known for his pragmatic and efficient approach, his no-nonsense mentality and determination. He understands the art of finding good alternatives for problems which others characterise too readily as insoluble. His resolute approach also makes him good at breaking deadlocks.

Ronald has worked as an attorney-at-law for many years and has specialised entirely on employment law. He has a large portfolio of permanent clients, including many prominent companies, that he provides with legal advice on the many subareas of employment law, such as co-determination, employee illness, company transfers, flexible work and employer liability. He also litigates before various legal bodies.

In addition to his daily legal practice Ronald is active in employment law at an international level and attends various international conferences on the subject. He also regularly gives in-house courses and training programmes, knowledge sessions and workshops for his clients to help them develop their know-how.

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More about

  • Erasmus University Rotterdam: Master of Laws - Corporate Law
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam: Bachelor of Laws
Admitted to bar
  • The Netherlands
Legal practice areas the Netherlands Bar’s register

Ronald van der Stap has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):


  • Employment law


Based on this registration, Ronald is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.