About Taco van der Valk

Taco van der Valk is an attorney-at-law at AKD who specialises in international trade (non-consumer sale, international payments) and the carriage of goods and persons.

His main focus is on contractual matters (charter parties, bills of lading,  (sea) waybills) and on transnational litigation (arbitration,  arrest of vessels and aircraft, limitation of liability of shipowners, insolvency, ships’ auctions).

Within AKD's Transport & Trade practice group, Taco is responsible for the group's knowledge management, including the continuation of professor Schadee's know-how system.

Another area of expertise is arbitration. Taco regularly is called upon to act as arbitrator (ad hoc, Unum, FENEX) and to handle matters relating to the execution or setting aside of arbitral awards. A founding councillor of the Dutch Arbitration Association (DAA), he currently sits on the advisory board of the Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI).

Taco is also a deputy justice at the 's-Hertogenbosch Court of Appeal (Trade Division). He was President of the Dutch Transport Law Association (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vervoerrecht) for 15 years.

A former board member of the Comité Maritime International (CMI), Taco acted as secretary of the working group in charge of  drafting the York-Antwerp Rules 2016 and the Guidelines on General Average.

In addition, Taco was the secretary to the board of editors of the Dutch maritime and transport law journal, Schip en Schade, for almost twenty years. At the moment, he is the correspondent for the Netherlands of the CML CMI Database of Judicial Decisions on International Maritime Conventions. This Database is managed by the National University of Singapore, at which Taco serves as Adjunct External Fellow.


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More about

  • Leiden University: Dutch Law
Admitted to bar
  • The Netherlands
  • Association of Average Adjusters
  • Commissie Rotterdams Garantieformulier
  • Comité Maritime
    International (membre titulaire)
  • European Maritime Law Association
  • International Bar Association
  • Dutch Association for International Law
  • Dutch Association of Transport Law Advocates
  • Dutch Transport Law Association
  • Rotterdam Lawyers Society
Legal practice areas the Netherlands Bar’s register

Taco van der Valk has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):


  • Civil procedural law
  • Transport and trade law


Based on this registration, Taco is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.